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Tasmania University Football Club

TUFC iPod Shuffle Night

Sat, 20 May 2023
19:00 - 23:30

iPod Shuffle Night 2023 

Choose a song from the year you were born - whether your from the 80's 90's or 2000's we want to hear it! 

Location: TUFC Clubrooms, UTAS Sandy Bay Campus 

Purchase your songs by Wednesday, the 17th of May! 

 1 x $25 = includes one song choice and pizza (enter your song choice/artist in the field provided). 

Buy more than one song, and we'll also include a drink of your choice at the clubrooms!

But don't stop there - the more songs you buy, the better your chances of winning some cold hard cash!

We'll put all the selected songs in a playlist which will play at random - when your song plays will determine if you win (or not).

 1st prize (last song played) - $CASH$ (amount TBC, dependent on entries)

 2nd prize (second last song played) - $CASH$ (amount TBC, dependent on entries)

 Spot prizes for 3rd and 4th.

Prize for best dressed - dress as anything starting with your first initial, we look forward to seeing what you come up with! 

7pm start, playlist will kick off at 7:30pm.

Ticket Type Price
iPod Shuffle Night $25.00 Sale Ended

Sandy Bay, Tasmania, 7005, Australia

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